Friday, April 20, 2007

Honeybees, Gone With the Wind, Leave Crops and Keepers in Peril

that years of researching how to make disease resistant plants have caused the demise of our pollinaters.

We (not I or you), but scientist have manipulated the gene codes of plants for years and it is quite possible the failure to look into the future may now be our future.

I don't proclaim to be a rocket scientist however if we continue to manipulate our plant life it seems quite reasonable that the pesticides which are nowprevalent in the seeds and plants we purchase could be killing the bees off.
A person with allergies used to be able to get some local honeycombs froma local bee keeper and there allergies would stay in remission during the whole allergy season, not anymore.

In our quest to become stronger, faster, smarter, our gene manipulators may have destroyed the very life form which made life possible for plants. Of course big business is in the hip pocket of big government so trying to get an answer to this question will cost us millions while they hide real facts about why this is happening.

Honeybees, Gone With the Wind, Leave Crops and Keepers in Peril

February 27, 2007, Tuesday
By ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO (NYT); Business/Financial Desk

Honeybees are flying off and disappearing in mystery that
has flummoxed researchers and threatens production of numerous crops
that rely on bee pollination; researchers call syndrome colony collapse
disorder and say bees are presumably dying in fields from exhaustion or
becoming disoriented and dying from cold; one study says that honeybees
annually pollinate more than $14 billion worth of seeds and crops in
US, mostly fruits, vegetables and nuts; investigators are exploring
range of theories about disappearing bees, including viruses, fungus,
poor bee nutrition, pesticides, bee stress; beekeepers earn much more
renting their bees out to pollinate crops than in producing honey, and
researchers are concerned that trucking colonies around country to
pollinate crops could add to bees' stress and help spread viruses and
mites of crops that rely on pollination

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