Don't look for the United States to step in any time soon, our war with Iraq in the name of terror has all but shot our diplomacy efforts anywhere on the globe.
What is to prevent Russia from using the same excuse we did in terms of invading, after all it is widely reported that Georgia has been stockpiling weapons knowing this was coming to a head. The news coverage should be quite telling as this is very similar to the War between the States under the Lincoln administration as the southern states were looking to succeed from an ever growing federal presence
TBLISI, Georgia (CNN) -- Bombs rocked Tbilisi early Saturday morning as the fight between Georgia and Russia over a breakaway region intensified and moved into the Georgian capital.

A warplane drops bombs near the Georgian city of Gori on Friday as Russian and Georgian forces battle.
Government buildings, including the Parliament, were evacuated when the bombs fell.
Heavy casualties have reported on both sides since Russian forces moved Friday into South Ossetia, a pro-Russian autonomous region of Georgia.
Russian bombers were targeting Georgia's economic infrastructure, National Security Council secretary Alexander Lomaia said, including the country's largest Black Sea port, Poti, and the main road connecting the southern part of Georgia with the east and the airport.
Georgian television reported that the port had been destroyed.
Georgia, a former Soviet state, sent troops into South Ossetia on Thursday, aiming to crack down on the separatists, who want independence or unification with North Ossetia, which is in Russia. Russia responded Friday, sending troops into the Georgian province where it had peacekeepers stationed.
"I saw bodies lying on the streets, around ruined buildings, in cars," Lyudmila Ostayeva, a resident of the South Ossetia capital, Tskhinvali, told The Associated Press on Friday.
"It's impossible to count them now. There is hardly a single building left undamaged," she said after fleeing to a village near the Russian border, AP reported.
"They are killing civilians, women and children, with heavy artillery and rockets," Sarmat Laliyev, 28, told AP.
One U.S. State Department official called the conflict a "very dangerous situation" and said diplomatic moves are afoot around the globe to stop it.
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